Top things to see in Capalbio

Top things to see in Capalbio

Top tourist attractions in Capalbio: sightseeing routes and excursions in Capalbio and surroundings.

Walking in Capalbio

Natural Reserve Lake of Burano

The Burano Lake is a protected area (the first WWF Oasis) located near Capalbio. An enchanting coastal lagoon surrounded by sand dunes and Mediterranean scrub.
Lake of Burano

Tarot Garden

Artistic Garden created by Niki De Saint Phalle from world of the tarot cards.
Tarot Garden

Tomb of Bandit Tiburzi

Buranaccio Tower

Roman Villa delle Colonne

Capalbio Beach

Sandy beach 12 km long.
Capalbio beach

The Tuttomaremma Recommends